it可以指代上文的全部内容么?还是用this,that?举个例子比如一篇作文说如何保护环境的措施 结尾来句总结if you can do it/that/this/those/these,the world will be more and more beautiful.用哪个?困扰我很久了措

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 17:27:43

it可以指代上文的全部内容么?还是用this,that?举个例子比如一篇作文说如何保护环境的措施 结尾来句总结if you can do it/that/this/those/these,the world will be more and more beautiful.用哪个?困扰我很久了措
比如一篇作文说如何保护环境的措施 结尾来句总结
if you can do it/that/this/those/these,the world will be more and more beautiful.
措施有很多 用first second之类的来分点
还有 如果是指代一件事呢

it可以指代上文的全部内容么?还是用this,that?举个例子比如一篇作文说如何保护环境的措施 结尾来句总结if you can do it/that/this/those/these,the world will be more and more beautiful.用哪个?困扰我很久了措

it可以指代上文的全部内容么?还是用this,that?举个例子比如一篇作文说如何保护环境的措施 结尾来句总结if you can do it/that/this/those/these,the world will be more and more beautiful.用哪个?困扰我很久了措 it one this that 指代上文内容时的区别 that 和 it有什么区别两者不都可以指代上文提到的东西么?有什么区别 不要复制粘贴谢谢 用one与it造句就是指代上文出现的名词,各要10个句子,初一上学期水平 SAT语法 IT指代对象It能不能指代从句?动词短语?还是只能指代名词?that好像都可以指代的吧 I suppose it has something to do with the appeal of an optimistic approah to life的句子结构it在这里指代什么成分?还是指代上文中的什么?do with 在这是个词组吗? one和it在做代词时指代上文出现的物的区别 one,that,it,which到底怎么区分上文指代的内容 That it becomes a social problem comes to people's eye.句子对吗?it指代上文,翻译的...That it becomes a social problem comes to people's eye.句子对吗?it指代上文,翻译的表来 考研英语翻译中要不要把代词如it ,the指代的具体内容翻译出来(本句中没有,在上文中出现,需要参照上文分析情况下)?还是直接说成是它,它们就行了? that可以指代句子前面出现过的复数名词么?还是只能指代单数名词?如题. it指代物体么? the meaning of these words 用it 还是them 指代 Tick the title of it in the form and then subscribe your name(on it?).这个句子是我造的,可能还有其他问题.我想问的是,能不能在句末加上on it,it指代上文状语中出现的form?换句话说,it能不能指代上文状语 it可以指代人吗?什么代词可以指代人? it指代上下文和that代替上文那件事有什么区别 that和it是不是都可以指代前文中提到过的情况?比如that是否可以指代上文中说的钱的数目,如How much does cost?68500That's a lot of money.这应该属于指代具体的内容了吧.那it是指代具体的内容还是抽 语法!非常难的几个问题,语法专家帮忙看下,1.It was recognized that food contained protein.这是形式主语句吗?如果It指代的是上文中的某一件事或某一件东西,那还是形式主语句吗?that food contained protein