
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/05 21:43:54


也看看要求不....= =

1 I joined the rescue team to aim at helping the victims of the disaster in Sichuan
2 The boy tried in vain to slip out of the classroom.
3 The novel is much more interesting than I expected
4 Obviously,he left the evidence to the police .
5 If he had given up smoking then,he wouldn't now have his lung cancer.
6 I was ill yesterday,or else I would have taken part in the sports meeting.
7 The beautiful scenery in Hangzhou appeals to lots of tourists

  1. 英上中下格式

  • I joined the rescue team, the purpose is to help the victims of the sichuan.

  • 全部展开

    1. 英上中下格式

    • I joined the rescue team, the purpose is to help the victims of the sichuan.

    • The boy tried to sneak out of the classroom, but failed.

    • The novel much more interesting than I had expected.

    • Obviously, he left evidence to the police.

    • If he had to quit smoking, he will not be lung cancer.

    • I was sick yesterday, otherwise, I would have taken part in the sports meeting.

    • Hangzhou beautiful scenery attracted many tourists.

    • 我加入了救援队,目的是帮助四川的灾民.

    • 这个男孩企图溜出教室,但是失败了.

    • 这部小说比我预期的要有趣的多.

    • 很显然,他把证据留给了警察.

    • 如果他当时戒烟的话,他就不会患肺癌了.

    • 我昨天生病了,否则,我就参加运动会了.

    • 杭州的美景吸引了许多游客.

    • 我加入了救援队,目的是帮助四川的灾民.

        2. 中英对照格式

    • I joined the rescue team, the purpose is to help the victims of theSichuan

    • 这个男孩企图溜出教室,但是失败了.

    • The boy tried to slip out of the classroom, but failed

    • 这部小说比我预期的要有趣的多.

    • This novel is much more interesting than I have expected

    • 很显然,他把证据留给了警察.

    • Obviously, he gave evidence to the police

    • 如果他当时戒烟的话,他就不会患肺癌了.

    • If he had quit smoking, he would not suffer from lung cancer

    • 我昨天生病了,否则,我就参加运动会了.

    • I was sick yesterday, otherwise, I will take part in the sports meeting

    • 杭州的美景吸引了许多游客.

    • Hangzhou beautiful scenery attracts many tourists



    I joined the rescue team, the purpose is to help the victims of the sichuan.The boy tried to sneak out of the classroom, but failed.The novel much more interesting than I had expected.Obviously, he le...


    I joined the rescue team, the purpose is to help the victims of the sichuan.The boy tried to sneak out of the classroom, but failed.The novel much more interesting than I had expected.Obviously, he left evidence to the police.If he had to quit smoking, he will not be lung cancer.I was sick yesterday, otherwise, I would have taken part in the sports meeting.Hangzhou beautiful scenery attracted many tourists.


    I joined the rescue team, the purpose is to help the victims of the Sichuan
    The boy tried to slip out of the classroom, but failed
    This novel is much more interesting than I have expected


    I joined the rescue team, the purpose is to help the victims of the Sichuan
    The boy tried to slip out of the classroom, but failed
    This novel is much more interesting than I have expected
    Obviously, he gave evidence to the police
    If he had quit smoking, he would not suffer from lung cancer
    I was sick yesterday, otherwise, I will take part in the sports meeting
    Hangzhou beautiful scenery attracts many tourists


    I joined the rescue team, the purpose is to help the victims of the sichuan. (aim)
    The boy tried to sneak out of the classroom, but failed.
    The novel much more interesting than I had expected....


    I joined the rescue team, the purpose is to help the victims of the sichuan. (aim)
    The boy tried to sneak out of the classroom, but failed.
    The novel much more interesting than I had expected.
    Obviously, he left evidence to the police.
    If he had to quit smoking, he will not be lung cancer.
    I was sick yesterday, otherwise, I would have taken part in the sports meeting.
    Hangzhou beautiful scenery attracted many tourists. (appeal)


英语翻译我加入了救援队,目的是帮助四川的灾民.(aim)这个男孩企图溜出教室,但是失败了.这部小说比我预期的要有趣的多.很显然,他把证据留给了警察.如果他当时戒烟的话,他就不会患肺 加入救援队我16岁不念了想加入抗震救援队 地震救援截止到目前四川地震的救援情况怎样了? 看海地地震时救援队是怎么帮助他们的 英语翻译活动的目的是帮助照顾,社区的残疾 四川地震在救援的全过程不着急 怎样加入地震救援队 如何加入国家救援队 四川地震救援在四川地震中都有哪来的军队? 四川地震后多久开始了救援要最短的时间,单位好像还是分钟 四川地震救援队怎么去四川紧系实地救援啊····急需····我是山东济宁的 四川汶川大地震有哪些国家派了救援队啊 四川雅安芦山县地震发生后政府是怎么救援的? 关于四川地震救援这次地震,伤了不少人,我如何到现场去参加救援成为医护人员呢,我是学医的学员,也为献一份微小的力量.我有这样的想法,却不知道怎样才能成功,怕去不了,也怕救援的不让 请问有知道怎么参加四川地震救援队的吗?急,我是护士, 物理、功和机械能2008年5月12日,四川汶川发生8级大地震,震后立即开展了紧急救援,在救援过程中,常看到救援工作者使用一中起重机械,利用这种机械吊起坍塌的混泥土结构的吊板.如同所示是 物理、功和机械能2008年5月12日,四川汶川发生8级大地震,震后立即开展了紧急救援,在救援过程中,常看到救援工作者使用一中起重机械,利用这种机械吊起坍塌的混泥土结构的吊板.如同所示是 哪个国家地震救援队率先到达海地?我当然是指其他国家及组织了