
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 18:38:42


A young lion prince, Simba, was born in Africa, thus making his uncle Scar the second in line to the throne. Scar plotted with the hyenas to kill King Mufasa and Prince Simba, thus making himself King. The King was killed and Simba was led to believe by Scar that it had been his fault, and so he fled the kingdom in shame. (He lived with two outcasts, a Merekat named Timone and a warhog named pumbaa, until he is fully-grown. He adopted their "worry-free" philosophy, forgetting his past and his heritage. After years of exile, a childhood friend runs into him by accident, and persuaded him to take his responsibility. He returned home and overthrew his uncle, claimed the kingdom as his own, thus completing the "Circle of Life".

Shi Zi Wang

电影《狮子王》中一些动物的名字的英文怎么写?(急!)电影《狮子王》中一些动物的名字的英文怎么写?比如辛巴,嘭嘭,丁满等等,名字越多越好哦!不过当然要英文的咯~拼写一定不要有错哦 狮子王内容简介英文的 狮子王的英文怎么说? 狮子王里的动物名字?鹿 猫头鹰熊 == 主角的名字 求狮子王1,英文原声中文字幕的高清电影啊,参加配音比赛用的 狮子王的英文单词怎么拼 狮子王中狮子王辛巴的妈妈叫什么? 狮子王中的祭司是种什么动物电影《狮子王》中的祭司是种什么动物?它的学名叫什么?在动物园见过一次来着,名字比较特殊,忘了,只记得是灵长类动物,和狒狒差不多,比狒狒体型大,脸上像化 狮子王英文怎么写 电影狮子王2中插曲love will find its way的英文歌词 求狮子王英文对白,要文本的, 狮子王的英文简介短一点 谁有狮子王的完整英文剧本 狮子王的英文简介(短短短) 求一些英文动画的中英文简介海底总动员玩具总动员加菲猫怪物史莱克狮子王 英语!下面我来模仿一段电影[狮子王]的配音用英文怎么说!口语测试..有个才艺展示/下面我来模仿一段电影[狮子王]的配音用英文怎么说! 英文电影中一些常用的句子,短语 台词经典的英文电影还有哪些?除了阿甘正传,乱世佳人,狮子王,勇敢的心,西雅图不眠夜,泰坦尼克,肖申克的救赎等,还有什么英文电影的台词比较经典?多说几部啊.