
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/17 00:36:58

520supercool 你的拼写很多错啊,老外都说看不懂,还说as I assume your English isn't great

Jack was born into a poor family; he was a coward. His father was a soldier, and his mother was killed by people who's from enemy states. When Jack was little, his father always taught him to be a breave and successful man. One day, his father got killed on the battlefield, so Jack felt sorrowful and sweared to get revenge for his parents. Since then, he's no longer a coward, and he became very brave. When he's grow up, he decided to became a soldier as proud to serve for his country.
那你采取其他两个吧, 我看了他们的也无语了

Jack was borned in a poor family and he was an coward boy.His father was a soldier and his mother was killed by the enemy.When he was young,his father always taught him to be a brave man after he grew...


Jack was borned in a poor family and he was an coward boy.His father was a soldier and his mother was killed by the enemy.When he was young,his father always taught him to be a brave man after he grew up.One day,his father was killed in the battlefield,he was quite grieved and wanted to revenge for his parents wholeheartedly.Ever after,he became brave,not the one he was before.He determined to be a true man,a soldier like his father and made contribution to the country when he grew up.



Jack was born in a poor family, he is a timid man, his father is a man of war, and his mother killed by enemy. In his small when his father always education he grew up to be a brave useful person. One...


Jack was born in a poor family, he is a timid man, his father is a man of war, and his mother killed by enemy. In his small when his father always education he grew up to be a brave useful person. One day his father was killed in battle, he was sad, he bent for his parents on vengeance. Since then he has become very brave and no longer a previous coward. He grew up later, he decided to be a soldier and allegiance for the country, when a useful person


Jack was born in a poor family, he is a timid man, his father is a man of war, and his mother killed by enemy. In his small when his father always education he grew up to be a brave useful person. One...


Jack was born in a poor family, he is a timid man, his father is a man of war, and his mother killed by enemy. In his small when his father always education he grew up to be a brave useful person. One day his father was killed in battle, he was sad, he bent for his parents on vengeance. Since then he has become very brave and no longer a previous coward. He grew up later, he decided to be a soldier and allegiance for the country, when a useful person


英语翻译Jack出生在一个贫穷的家庭,他是个胆小怕事的人,他的父亲是个战士,他的母亲被敌国的人杀了.在他小的时候他父亲总是教育他长大后要成为一个勇敢有用的人.有一天他的父亲在战场 英语翻译贝利在一个小村庄里出生,贝利的父亲是一名职业球员,但由于一次严重的受伤,他不能从比赛中赚取一些奖金,所以贝利的家庭很贫穷.贝利尝试着找了很多工作来帮助父母维持生计,但 英语翻译翻译下这几个词,奥地利 作曲家 他1797年1 月31 日出生他出生在维也纳 他的家庭是个教师家庭 翻译“他出生在一个富裕的家庭,可他并不满足那样的生活.” 1.张明出生在一个地地道道的农民家庭,村里经济十分落后,因此,他家里也十分贫穷,在学校里,虽然他已非常努力,但学习成绩总是不如人意.因此,他时常感到在他的背后有一双“看不见”的眼睛 我想给爸爸写一封信,挽回他和妈妈的感情爸妈都是贫穷家庭出生,18岁起就一起在外面摆摊子,二十多年艰难的创业,终于现在有点成绩了,在家乡小有名气,可是,爸爸却变了,他开始嫌弃妈妈了. 英语翻译用英语翻译以下演讲稿 不用百度在线翻译那些东西 语法正确通顺用英文翻译:我崇敬的伟人是英国的莎士比亚 他是一个作家 他出生在一个商业家庭 他参加过演出和编剧 他曾经说 英语翻译正文:杰斯·劳伦斯出生于美国一个南部小镇的一个普通的白人家庭,他家里很贫穷,但是他很懂事,也很坚强,就这样,他度过了他的童年.当他22岁的时候,父母已经去世,留给他的只有一 he was born into a ( ) family 他出生在一个充满艺术气息的家庭翻译成英文.填那个空格就好. 13岁卖报,14岁当书店的学徒.法拉第是英国科学家,他出生在一个贫苦的家庭里要快13岁卖报,14岁当书店的学徒.法拉第是英国科学家,他出生在一个贫苦的家庭里.于是,他更加省吃俭用,买回一些 英语翻译1、俞敏洪于1962年10月15日出生在江苏江阴的一个贫困的家庭。小时候他的父亲一直鼓励他要坚持追求自己的梦想。2、他克服了许多人生道路上的障碍,包括两次高考失利和因病休学 一位出生在一个贫困的铁匠家庭的英国著名的科学家是谁? 英语翻译你喜欢姚明吗?非常喜欢.他是一个运动明星.你为什么喜欢他?因为他篮球打得非常好.他是我的偶像.他出生在哪?他出生在上海.他什么时候出生的?他1980年出生的. 她出生在一个充满艺术气息的家庭翻译成英语 请问:我国现代著名作家,学者,出生在台湾一个爱国志士家庭的人是谁? 英语翻译他出生在中国________ 他出生在1998年 英语翻译 他出生在哪里?用英语翻译