
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 11:48:44
求内涵的有深度动漫!RT~(我为什么不能悬赏300分啊,我这里是悬赏300分.,如果推荐的好,在追加100分的)注意:1,不要少女系的,搞笑类的.(即使这类动漫也有比较有内涵的,也麻烦不要推荐了, 怎样做个有深度,有内涵的男人?如题 could you please tell me where there are any library 是你能告诉我图书馆在哪里还是你能告诉我这里有图书馆马 求教中考题 Could you tell me__?Of course.B.where there's a good place to eat D.where a good place 家庭消防安全注意事项今天是全国消防日,家庭安全要注意什么呢?求专家. 家庭防火自救知识短点 1.拿湿毛巾或被单捂住口鼻 短一点 就今天一天 家庭防火常识有哪些? 家庭防火预案 帮我看看这样翻green day的holiday有什么问题没?听到雨落下的声音,象是哈米吉多顿的火焰,对于一个人来说,默默死去是可耻的.狗对着门外狂吠门外正响着“信任和痛苦”的赞歌以血祭奠那些今 I'm happy to have such a good summer holiday!Of course,I have many things to prepare.First,I need I'm happy to have such a good summer holiday!Of course,I have many things to prepare.First,I need to make a plan about my holiday.I will do my homework Singapore is a good place__a holiday.这里应该填take 的么形式呀?为什么呢? I read many good books on holiday last year.这句错了吗?英语北师版模四,P54有个句子答案说这是错的,谁能说下原因 .上面说many 用于否疑问句,肯定句表许多用 a few(一些)上面说这样是正确的:I read a few Where do you like to go this summer holiday?liketo japan,Tokyo is a good place to ()But paris is ()beautiful city,too,Well,I will take it.But Paris and Tokyo aye so ()and crowded What()Wellington?Wellington?It is quieter than the ()cities.I'd like to 冬季校园防火知识 冬季防火安全常识? what's the living room like in your house的意思 this room is your music )连词成句 this room is the biggest in my house改为同义句this room is ,,,,,in my house (中间5个空格) 三国演义用英语怎么说? this room is under a house 的中文意思以及谜底 英语翻译特别是“掉以轻心” “父母经常提醒我要注意安全,我总是不把它当回事,结果我遇到这种可怕的事情”求助这句话的英文翻译 There are many people there.They are from different cities and countries.改为同义句改为Some are __ people and they come from different __. People in different countries have different eating habits 翻译.急速! people living in different countries made .people living in different countries made different kinds of words.为什么这里要用living?还有最后的words为什么不能换成langurages?wrote the centuries went by.是什么意思? But different people in different countries eat different kinds of food.(翻译) 请问,《三国演义》英语怎么表达? 三国时期用英语怎讲 三国的英文怎么说 要地道点的 Is this youth hostel is_____especially young people stay in when they are on a walking holidayA.where,B.the place where,C.the place,D/为什么选C不选B,要详细的理由, 用长期保存在硅胶干燥器内的硼砂标定盐酸溶液时结果会怎样结果是偏低还是偏高... What do people do on this holiday?