
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 03:44:22


Once upon a time,young and handsome Hyacinthus and Apollo were good friends.Zephyrus (the West wind) also liked Hyacinthus,and jealous of Apollo.One day,Zephyrus saw that Hyacinthus was playing discus with Apollo,He was angery and decided to make fun of them

Handsome legend Hyacinthus elegant and unconventional and Apollo are a good friend, therefore also very delighted Jeffreys Hyacinthus but, envying Apollo very much. Think that Hyacinthus and Apollo ca...


Handsome legend Hyacinthus elegant and unconventional and Apollo are a good friend, therefore also very delighted Jeffreys Hyacinthus but, envying Apollo very much. Think that Hyacinthus and Apollo casting a discus elatedly , having been found that by Jeffreys , get angry with in the heart very much one day, think that one is foreign making fun of them.


Legend handsome of Hyacinthus and Apollo are good friends, while Jeffreys liked Hyacinthus, so it is jealous of Apollo. One day, when Hyacinthus and Apollo are happily discus throw, was Jeffreys discovered, and felt very angry, some want to make fun of them.

用最简单的英语翻译一段话!传说英俊潇洒的Hyacinthus和Apollo是好朋友,而Jeffreys也很喜欢Hyacinthus,所以很嫉妒Apollo.有一天,当Hyacinthus和Apollo正兴高采烈地掷铁饼,被Jeffreys发现了,心里很生气,想捉 英俊潇洒是形容12生肖中什么动物的?老虎不算吗?在森林里多威风.也可以用英俊潇洒形容啊 用什么词可以来形容我这么温柔可爱英俊潇洒的人 在英语中说女性英俊(有些潇洒的意思)应该用哪个词? 形容男人的话 英俊潇洒之类的四字成语? 英俊的用英语 找类似的成语类似 沉鱼落雁闭月羞花 英俊潇洒风流倜傥 这样的8字成语 什么样子的人算最富有才华英俊潇洒风流倜傥玉树临风的人那?. 求古代形容女子长相漂亮、男子英俊潇洒的各种形容词 越多越好! 夸人的成语、越夸张越好如 英俊潇洒、玉树凌风 找一句话,是自夸的,英俊潇洒,风流倜傥之类玉树临风什么的… 请问英俊潇洒,风流倜傥, 英俊的”用英语怎么说? 搞笑的自我介绍.有谁有一段粤语的搞笑自我介绍,我记得一点:本人自细聪明伶俐,英俊潇洒,然后是多少岁学什么学什么,什么知天文地理的.是带有粤语的. 求形容美女美丽,帅哥英俊的四字成语,多多益善哦~我能想到的:美女:闭月羞花,沉鱼落雁,倾国倾城,技压群芳,美若天仙...帅哥:英俊潇洒,风流倜傥... 给我几个赞美男人的成语.我想要的是一些。比如潇洒 英俊。意思的 形容古代美男怎么形容的我想知道怎么形容古代美男的词语,除了英俊潇洒之外的 形容男生帅的成语,四字词语类似与英俊潇洒 风流倜傥 的成语,四字词语也行